Participants' Wiki
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by ElizabethA 5 years, 9 months ago
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ICT participants and moderators come from all over the world to learn together and share in this session. Please add your name to the map so we can see where all the participants come from. You can also add a message or a picture of your home town.
You can access the map here and add a pin with y our name :)
Zahra AL-Marhoobi

Hello everyone,
I am Zahra AL-Marhoobi from Oman. I am an English teacher in a basic primary school. I have been teaching for 4 years. I am very interested in teaching and technology. Since English is not my first language, I planned to develop my English by studying online courses. I am very fascinated by technology. I try to introduce new applications and technology ideas at my lessons. I try to be updated with the new technology and how I can integrate it in teaching.
I wish all the best. Looking forward to get more creative ideas and experiences.
Best Wishes...
Zahra AL-Marhoobi
Lada Petryk

I am Lada Petryk. I am from Kyiv, Ukraine. I am an EL teacher and a student-teacher trainer. I've been teaching for 21 years. I am interested in improving my teaching skills with innovations. I am new in EVO and i am not good at ICT.
I am happy to have an opportunity to gain some new knowledge.
Skype: lada.petryk
Twitter; @lada_lada771
Tilly Harrison
Hi, I'm Tilly Harrison, Principal Teaching Fellow at the University of Warwick, UK. I teach on our Masters courses in ELT, in particular the MA ELT with a specialism in ICT. The course has been running since before I joined the university in 2003 but it has seen huge changes over the years, and that's the way I like it! I have always enjoyed integrating technology in my teaching, even when it doesn't work very well - you always learn something! I hope to learn and share with everyone here in the next few weeks. (In previous years I have concentrated on the MachinEVO (making machinima in Second Life) and always enjoyed it very much.) |
Luciana Caldeira

Hi, I'm Luciana Caldeira, a passionate mother of three amazing kids and also passionate teacher of ESL in a Public Language School - CIL (Centro Interescolar de Línguas) in Sobradinho - Brazil. I first took part in an EVO session in 2011 and it totally changed my teaching practice, I've been using ICT and can't avoid them anymore. Now, I'm looking forward to innovate and update the tools I use and mainly improve the way I use the ones I already know. I'm grateful for the opportunity and wish you all a great experience here. Hugs from Brazil!
skype: luthcal
twitter: @luthcal
email: luthcal@gmail.com
facebook: https://www.facebook.com/luthcal
Vicky S Kostara
Hi,I'm Vicky S Kostara and I'm an EFL teacher in a primary school in a town in northern Greece.I have taught french and english in private schools for a few years as well.Languages have always been my passion and I have also studied spanish ,german and turkish.The first time I joined Evo was 3 years ago and I enjoyed the experience a lot,so I'm looking forward to this course as I would like to enrich my teaching with new tools in order to keep my young learners as interested and engaged as possible.
email: vickost@yahoo.gr
Skype: vicky.papadopoylou
Ricardo Cezar

Hi, everyone! My name's Ricardo and I'm from Goiânia, Brazil. I currently live in Uruaçu, a small town in the state of Goiás, where I work as a full-time EFL teacher in my own language school, teaching children, teenagers and adults. I prefer teaching older teens and adults, though. I am also a member of Braz-TESOL and a Google Educator Group Leader in Goiânia with two other colleagues. I have been involved in ELT for almost 15 years now and I'm really into technology, especially when it comes to using it with my students. I'm really looking forward to learning from and with the members of this group. Borrowing Luciana's comment, I also send hugs from (warm) Brazil!
Skype: ricramcezar
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/ricramcezar
Twitter: @ricramcezar
Larisa Ishchenko

Hello from Odessa, Ukraine! I 'm Larisa,52. My teaching experience is more than 20 years. I teach English at a state school. My students are of different age but most of them are 'Internet Geek' and love gadjets a lot. I 'm interested in ICT for teaching English to be ahead of my students in this field, and just to become a better teacher. I 've got my personal site and a blog. and I think, I know much about ICT, but I 'd like to learn more. I hope, the session and peer students will help me in my professional development. Thank you in advance!
Skype: seagullodua
Facebok: https://www.facebook.com/larisa.ishchenko.7
Twitter: @Seagull128
You can visit my personal site
Dubravka Crnić
Ester Gasparro

I’m Ester Gasparro. I live in Pisciotta, a village near Palinuro, on Cilento’s Coast, Italy. I’m married and I’ve got a sixteen years old son. I teach English students aged 11-14 in a public low middle school. I’ve been teaching English in this school for seven years, previously I taught in a primary school. I joined the course in order to learn something more about how to improve face to face teaching using ICT. I’m not very good at it. Not being a digital native, I could say I’ve a sort of “affective filter” that prevents me from fully using ITC. At school we have IWBs, but there’s always something that doesn’t work, and this drives me mad.
skype: ester.gasparro
Twitter: @EsterGasparro
Marija Huzjak-Saban

Hi! I’m Marija Huzjak-Saban from Croatia. I work in Vocational School Velika Gorica. As I work with teenagers I’ve been looking for new tools to spice up my teaching and motivate my students. All I know about ICT tools, social media, new methods of teaching and so on, I’ve learned from EVO sessions. These sessions changed my professional life and taught me how to learn every day something new and share with my colleagues from all over the world.
e-mail – mhsaban@yahoo.com
Facebook: Marija HS
Twitter: @mhsaban
Erivelton Soares

Hey, everyone! My name is Erivelton, I am 19 years old and I am from Brasília-DF, Brazil.
My first contact with the English language happened when I was 15 years old through an English course here in Brazil and it was also at that same time that I fell in love with the language and decided to become a teacher.
Currently I am an undergraduate student at the Catholic University of Brasília (UCB) and I am in my 4º semester. I am studying English and its respective literatures. Even though I haven't started teaching yet, I am looking forward to learning a lot from this new experience. I am sure the use of ICT tools contribute in a very positive way in the English teaching scenario.
E-mail: eriveltonsoares.hto@gmail.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/erivelton.pereirasoares
Ali Bouhmala

Hello, everyone. My name is Ali Bouhmala. I’m from Morocco. I’ve been teaching English for so many years. I’m interested in ICT to improve my teaching. I hope this ict4elt2016 will be useful to me.
email: alibouhmala@gmail.com
Facebook: alibouhmala@facebook.com
Bouchakka Mohamed
I am Bouchakka Mohamed , one of the most hard working, energetic teachers in Inezgane Ait Melloul Delegation .I have been teaching English at Omar Alkhiyam High School for 22 years now.
My classes are always well prepared, varied and very enjoyable .I am well liked by my students due to my serious and dynamic teaching style. and received numerous positive comments from students’ families regarding the class material and results.
I am a dedicated member of the school community and have donated countless hours of my time to Mate (Moroccan association of teachers of English) projects and activities. I have not only worked with colleagues in school activities but I have also helped to implement plans and programs that will enrich the knowledge and lives of my students through generations .
I am confident that my academic background and curriculum development skills would be successfully utilized in this teaching position. My leadership and organizational skills have been invaluable to my teaching career.
Glenys Hanson

Hi there! I'm originally from Wales but I've been living in France for over 40 years. Most of the the time I taught English to adults using the Silent Way approach. I've retired from classroom teaching and now write a blog aimed at EFL / ESL teachers and create on line exercises for students: ESL EXOS. The tech tools I use most nowadays are Hot Potatoes and YouTube. I use Audacity for making audio recordings, Camtasia for video recording, Snagit for editing images, TextWrangler (Mac) and Notebook++ (Windows) for editing web pages. When I was still teaching I created and ran a dozen or so distance learning English courses on Moodle, an LMS which included wikis, forums, blogs, quizzes, chats, etc... I also ran a few teacher training courses. I've used video conferencing tools such as Google Hangouts, WizIQ - mainly with colleagues, not with students. I hope to learn about new (or new to me) tools on this course. Happy to share the little know-how I have. Twitter: @GlenysHanson
Skype name: glenys.hanson
Magdalena Gonzalo

Hi! I’m Magdalena Gonzalo (Ms Magda for my students). I’m 36 years old and I’ve always lived in Buenos Aires. I have a daughter who is 4 years old, and she really changed my life.
I discovered I wanted to be a teacher since I was 20 years old, when I travelled to U.S.A as an International Exchange Student. During that trip, I was completely impressed about how passionate my teachers were. In all the classes I took, students came from different parts of the world. So teachers made their best to be open-minded, creative and dynamic. And we all loved it!
It was since that moment, that teaching has become one of my greatest passions. I’ve learned that students need to feel motivated in class, and for that, teachers need to be always able to adapt, learn and improve. I’ve been in this profession for more than 10 years. I’ve taught English to kids, teens and adults. I often use ICT tools in class, try to surprise my students and let them suggest ideas, too. I’ve given online classes to adults through Skype. It’s a very useful tool.
At present, I’m working at a Primary School. My kids love using Edmodo, making quizzes, watching videos or playing online games.
I’m very happy to be joining this community. I’m sure we’ll learn a lot!
E-mail: mag_gonzalo@hotmail.com magdalena.gonzalo@colegiosanagustin.com.ar
Christelle CARLIER

Hi, I am Christelle CARLIER. I am French but I teach English (yes, weird!) in.... Venezuela.... So I had to learn Spanish, just like my students are studying English.;)
I used to teach English but in France. I like it here because I practise 3 languages every day, and teach English through comparisons (with French and Spanish). I have 5 different levels (6-8-10-11-12)
I am here (just like everybody I guess) to improve and learn something more, and I think I was right to do so : I had to struggle only to add my pic (by the way sorry, I added 2 in the file, if somebody could erase the big one before a colleague has a stroke;) ), and the big frame under is one of my creations too.... oops... I have just joined Edmodo, and I am planning to use it with my year 12 students; they need motivation and I think ICT is a great tool for it (well.... I just need to master the tools before;) ),;it enables us to make incredible things, which catch the students' attention, as well as ours; this makes the interaction students/teacher more "human" (how weird, using technology!!) as we can get closer to them and teach one to one. I am sure this experience will be incredible for me, and sure I will learn many things (starting with "how to erase this big blank frame I have created out of nowhere lol).
I am trying new tools (Camtasia, Screencast omatic, ) and willing to use some more. I am planning an exhibition using QR codes so we will see...
Happy to meet you all!
my mail : igotu1702@gmail.com
Dolly Dhawan

Hi all
My name’s Dolly Dhawan and I’m from India – a country known for its diversities. I reside in New Delhi, the capital city of India. I am a teacher, teacher-trainer and a content developer and have approx. 20 years of teaching experience. I am a certified CESOL examiner for YLE, FCE, KET and PET. Teaching to me came due to my passion of sharing my learning. I feel the happiest amongst my students and this drove me to choosing teaching as my career which I consider as a calling. I also upload lessons for students which can be found in ‘youtube acadhut’ (poetry lessons). I have also co-authored a book on listening and speaking skills for grades VI – X ‘Chit-Chat’ by Avant Publishers. I also moderate and prepare question papers for the Main Examination Board of our country (CBSE). I prepare Teachers’ Reference Manual.
I believe ‘to teach is to learn twice’ and consider myself as a lifelong learner. I love pursuing Online courses and have completed a number of them in teaching of English. I was also selected as Community Teaching Assistant by University of Oregon for two courses ‘The Landscape of Teaching English’ and ‘Paths to Success’. I have a passion for computers and also hold a Diploma in Computers.
I am an avid reader and the latest books that I’ve read are g ‘A Thousand Splendid Suns’ by Khaleed Hossaini and ‘House of Cards’ by Sudha Murthy. I am currently reading ‘The Immortals of Meluha’ by Amish Tripathi.
Borsani Simona

My name's Simona Borsani and I'm Italian. I teach English in a secondary school near Milan; my students' ages range from 14 to 20, but I'm also teacher coach for Primary School teachers. I am a Microsft Certified Educator, and I've experienced myself that ICT tools in an English class make the difference, and it's often great fun for students, too. I've joined this group to learn, to share, to improve my skills: learning is a long life process!
Skype ID: simo.borsani
Maha Abdelmoneim
hi, my name is Maha Abdelmoneim. I am from Cairo, Egyptian but I've lived for many years between Kuwait, The Sultanate of Oman and The United Arab Emirates before finally returning to settle in Cairo in 2014
I've been working in the field of Learning and Development as a trainer, instructional designer and a coach since 1992, and I consider myself to be very lucky because my work has become one of my hobbies :) .
I've been on the Internet since 1997. Throughout the years I've enjoyed experimenting with so many tools and spaces on the Web. I love technology; I enjoy discovering and playing with new tools for how they allow us to connect, collaborate, create together across the world; I feel excited about what that means for teaching and learning. Some of my favorite tools for collaboration and learning: TitanPad, hackPad, Vialogue, EDpuzzle, Genius, Office sway and more..
I love Virtual Worlds and think there is a lot of potential for education.
In Secondlife and other Virtual Worlds I am Olivetree Lighthouse
While not a hardcore gamer, I play World of Warcraft -- I joined for a course I was taking about Teaching and Learning in Virtual Worlds and loved it -- and learn lot there too.
Twitter: @maha4learning
Skype: maha4learning
email: maha4learning@gmail.com
Lea-Gung Ou (James Ou)

Hello! My name is Lea Gung Ou, and it's okay to call me James. I come from Taiwan, now studying my MA degree in English Language Teaching in the University of Warwick, UK. I taught English at high school and primary school level for only one year. I hope I can gain knowledge about using ICT tools in EFL classroom and that I will learn from so many experienced and enthusiastic teachers and students, like me (haha), here!
Silvina Pereyra

Hi, I'm from Buenos Aires, Argentina. I have been back in Buenos Aires for a year now. I had the opportunity to live and work in Chicago, USA, for almost 7 years and that was a great personal and professional experience. There I started using Skype, Facebook, Pinterest, Linkedin, Twitter, Instagram, blogs, chats and all the google apps (Picasa, G+, Drive) to be in contact with my friends and family and not to feel so far away.
When I came back I started working at a High School again and I became part of a team that believes in using ICT/ Tech tools to spice up our lessons so I could experience working with Edmodo on daily basis using smartphones, tablets and a smartboard in the classroom.
Working with teenagers makes me feel I have to be up to date with technology that's why I decided to participate in this course.
Skype ID: silvinampereyra
Twitter ID: @SilvinaMPereyra
Cesar Aguilar

Hi, this is Cesar working out of an international school here in Qatar. It will be 3 years here by the end of August, and I'm getting ready for a new challenge.
Skype ID: cesaraguilar101
email: axedandara@gmail.com
Rachida Rahimi
Hello ! I am from Morocco . I teach English as a foreign language at a language center . I am self-motivated,team worker and open-minded . I believe in the impact of technology and its useful use in education,, thus I am on ICT session for the second time to update and promote my learning skills . I am thrilled to be here again and I hope I will spend great time learning and collaborating with others.
My skype is Rachida.Rahimi1
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Comments (6)
carla donnini said
at 3:32 pm on Jan 15, 2016
Here I am. I am exploring the whole wiki to learn everything possible. I am not very good at following instructions.
MarijanaS said
at 4:00 pm on Jan 15, 2016
Hello Carla! It's ok if you got a bit lost, no problem we have all been there. To learn how to post on the wiki, I suggest you take few minutes and careful check the video tutorials on the page and read the instructions. This will help you how to edit the wiki in no time. The message you left here is considered as a public comments and anyone can leave a comment, but to edit the wiki you need to request access to one. Good luck and looking forward to seeing your introduction in the Participant's Profile wiki.
Marie said
at 3:20 pm on Jan 16, 2016
Hello! I'd like to add my profile but it does not work eventhough I've requested access. What should I do please? Thank you!!!!
ElizabethA said
at 4:12 pm on Jan 16, 2016
Hello Marie - Go to participants profile 2 and watch the second video there which shows you how to add text and upload a photo within that page 2 of participant profiles
BTW - you can only read and comment here BECAUSE you are a member of this space (because your request has been accepted)
CARLIER Christelle said
at 3:04 pm on Jan 17, 2016
I would like to know if we could modify our profiles, so as to add our skype adress. I have forgotten to write it.... ;)
Thanks for your help!
ElizabethA said
at 6:19 pm on Jan 18, 2016
No problem - just click edit again :-)
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