
Participants' Production: Blogs and Wikis

Page history last edited by Tanya Borisova 8 years, 12 months ago

http://obsurvey.com/survey/65676c3d-d2cb-4660-8639-69ea40ab7a2aWeek 3: Blogs and Wikis


After you have created your blog and/or a wiki and embedded your presentation, please share the link to your blog/wiki on this page.

Return to this page and read the comments that other participants left for you.

Visit other participants' blogs and wikis and leave them a comment about their work :)


Name:  The URL of the blog:  The URL of the wiki:  Comments: 






Dear participants,

I would like to encourage you to play with these tools and create your wiki. This is my first wiki 


I said: 'An hour before I finished the wiki, I had thought it would take me 2 weeks' ; ) How very true!

Dorji Wangchuk 








Tshering Dema
Silvia Heshiki   


I created this wiki as credit for a subject in the Master's Degree. Unfortunately I had to write it in Portuguese as many of the participants did not understand English. I should upgrade it and write an English version. I hope to use it to update my views on different tools. 


Marija Huzjak-Saban
Magdalena Gonzalo    http://magdalenagonzalo.pbworks.com/w/page/104558107/FrontPage   
Julie Perry  http://learningenglishwithjulie.blogspot.com/     
Vicky S Kostara
Nuhi Bllaca  http://techtoolsinelt.blogspot.com/


 Here is my survey: 



Lea-Gung Ou  http://jamesenglishsite.blogspot.co.uk/     
Glenys Hanson


As I've retired, this blog is aimed at teachers, not students. I started it a year ago but I find it very difficult to have the discipline to blog regularly. It's a WordPress self hosted blog.

Rachida Rahimi


I have just created two presentations one on prezi and the other one on photopeach . hope that you will enjoy them

here is my two activities created on hotpotatoes tool and the other on learningapps.org









The blog is created for the ICT4ELT session. It containes audio messages, my Prezi presentation,

some of my videos, among them there is my student's video she made some years ago about using technology in English learning. You can also find sone information about me and the Session in the blog.

 Ellen Graber   I just embedded a link to a Photopeach slideshow http://testpreparation.pbworks.com/w/page/104682715/Learning%20new%20ICTs%20in%20ICT4ELT%20during%202016 I made to share with you. I put it on the Wiki I have created during this EVO session. It took me much longer to create and set up the Wiki than it did to create the Photopeach peresentation.  
Gail Murray 



OK. Embedded a short Photopeach clip. How much fun was that?! Is clearly

just for trying out both Photopeach and Blogger. Seem to have lost a few

pages by trying to add specific groups to pages on blog - lots more practice,

but definitely will be used in class!!! 

I am glad you like Blogger! After trying it out 5 years ago it's still my favourite blogging site. I tried Wordpress too, but Blogger is the easiest one I ever used. Good job! (Marijana) 
Slavica Stojchevska

This is the the blog I have created. I already have one on blogspot and on ucoz. So I decided to play and discover the feautures of edublogs and here is the result. merryland.edublogs.org

The edu blog contains  audio(Audiopal) and video material(Prezi) from week 2 and 3. 







Ester Gasparro




Simona Borsani http://simonasenglishpage.blogspot.fr/
Dolly Dhawan https://learntoexcelenglish.wordpress.com/



This is my Pbworks wiki with embedded presentation. 


Check out Preposition Quiz... on the above given link.



This is the link to a form (survey) I've created in Google Drive




Check my Quiz on the line above


Link to a survey on Feedback form for ELT Workshop:




I used Learning Apps. Thoroughly enjoyed creating apps. Please try it.



Lovely! I ma glad you finally made it Dolly! Great job! (Marijana) 













I had forgotten the versatility of LearningApps. I thoroughly enjoyed it, too, Dolly. How did you manage to change the German"AUSGABE" to English "TASK"? Efrossini Zoniou

Magdolna Wölferné Bugovics  http://magdolnawb.blogspot.hu/      
Anna Kalyakina 


Hi, it's my first attempt to make a blog, I haven't done it before. So it's simple, but I want to add, and expand it. The main thing now is I have my experience and I KNOW :) 

Efrossini Zoniou

Here is the link to my blog:



Here is the link to my LearningApps exercise :



and, on second thought, I chose to embed it, as well :



I loved LearningApps and could not resist creating another exercise with it :


I have been favourably impressed by the options offered by Obsurvey, with which I created a survey on Shakespeare :





And a quick poll on Micropoll:


Tanya Borisova  http://virtualeclassroom.blogspot.bg     




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