
Participants' Profiles 3

Page history last edited by Marina 8 years, 1 month ago


Participants' Profiles 3








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Watch these videos if you don't know how to request access; it also gives you an overall description of the wiki navigation:


How to join the pbworks wiki



How to upload a picture and add text to your profile 




If you see a light yellow banner across the top saying that a participant is "editing" this page, please "don't steal the lock". Just be patient and wait your turn! Wait until they finish and save their work. Come back in a few minutes. That's good netiquette.  :-)


Once you click on the "Edit" tab (above)scroll down the page until you see the last introduction, then...


Follow these instructions to paste your intro (the one you sent to the G+Community):



N.B.:If any of you accidentally delete something in the wiki, please click undo; if it doesn't work, contact the moderators through the Google +Community, so that they try to recover the information previously saved. If you notice that you're messing up your editing, or that something is wrong with your work, don't Save, just Cancel, and then start again. Thank you!


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If you don't know how to resize your photo, please see this Help page


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And don't worry about putting your name in the list on the first page, and on the right here. That is done by a "table of contents" system - you will be added there later.








ICT participants and moderators come from all over the world to learn together and share in this session. Please add your name to the map so we can see where all the participants come from. You can also add a message or a picture of your home town.  

You can access the map here and add a pin with your name :)

Marijana Smolcec



I am Marijana Smolcec from a small town of Ogulin in Croatia. I am also an English and Croatian language teacher, with 13 years of experience, proud Webhead and a co-moderator of  TESOL EVO courses "Becoming a Webhead 2012" and "Becoming a Webhead 2013". Co-organizer of Reform Symposium eConference #RSCON, school project coordinator, interested in developing online projects, avid user of web 2.0 tools, team worker, passionate about teaching teenagers and Edtech, proud mom and a wife.

I am happy to be joing my great co-mods this year! Let's learn together!

I blog at: http://englishlearning-marijanasblog.blogspot.com/


Skype: mare302

Twitter: mscro1


Višnja Minčev

I have been teaching English and Business English in the Railway Technical School in Belgrade for 13 years. Being highly self-motivated and enthusiastic, I have always tried to motivate students to work at their optimum levels and to broaden their interests and knowledge. I have organized numerous extra-curricular activities, such as visiting museums, theatres or festivals and field trips. I put great effort in popularising English language among my students, as well as customs and culture of English-speaking countries, UK in particular. As I am fully devoted to continuous striving to improve and innovate my teaching, I often give innovative demonstration lessons and take part in interdisciplinary activities, cooperating mostly with teachers of Serbian language and literature and of social sciences. Additionally, I am constantly working on improving my ICT skills in order to make my teaching more interesting and innovative.

Skype: visnja,mincev


Tanya Borisova


Hello, my name is Tanya and I am from Bulgaria. I am happy to be part of
the group here. I teach at a secondary comprehensive school
and I would like to know more about how to use technologies
in the classroom and i find this course extremely useful. As a digital alien
I feel a great need of more expereince and skills working using the various tools
for educational purposes.

My skype account : t_a_n_y_ab

e-mail: t_a_n_y_ab@yahoo.co.uk 


Mirtes Oliveira


 Hi, everyone.I'm Mirtes. I'm from Brazil. I’ve taught English for about 20 years.I'm not good at dealing with online activities so I'd like to learn how to use some tools. My passions are reading and travelling.

My Skype ID is: mirtesmo63




Dolly Dhawan



Hello! Greetings to all!

 I am Dolly Dhawan from India. I am a teacher and a teacher trainer with an experience of 20 years of teaching English. I consider myself as a lifelong learner and I look forward to a great learning experience here. The ICTELT course would certainly help me to acquire new resources and knowledge. It is great to be a part of this team.

 Kind regards!

Twitter -  @dhawan_dolly

Skype ID -Dolly Dhawan

Email ID - ddhawan2405@gmail.com

Facebook Link https://www.facebook.com/settings?tab=account&section=username 




Silvia Heshiki

Greetings to everyone!

I'm Silvia Heshiki from Brazil. I've been a teacher for over 20 years and at the moment I'm in charge of ICT training at the school I work at. I've just been accepted for the Masters Degree and I would like to focus on ICT use/ training and ELT.

You can contact me by:

email: silvia@culturainglesalondrina.com.br

FB: Silvia Heshiki

skype: sylviakiko

You might also want to check this wiki I set up last year for a subject I took: 





Marina Leonova

Greetings from Russia!

I am Marina Leonova,

an English teacher and  a vice principal of Secondary School with Intensive Learning of Foreign Languages. I've been teaching English for more than 20 years. I am a tireless learner. I think it’s extremely important to be up-to-date in my job. This year I am teaching 14-17 year-old students. I adore teaching teens as they are a great source of inspiration. I try to implement new practices and integrate new technologies into daily classroom life to create an effective language classroom that is passionate and motivating to all students.

I hope to gain a valuable experience to be well-equipped to teach my students advanced skills with the help of useful tools and find more opportunities for reflection, collegial support and collaboration through online international professional development experiences.

My facebook page - https://www.facebook.com/marina.leonova.104 

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Comments (1)

Marie said

at 2:54 pm on Jan 30, 2016

I had finally managed to post my profile (well I thought so) but actually I've erased them all on page 3.
can anayone help please?
thanks so much!
I'm etrribly sorry!!!!!!

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