
Participants' Profiles 2

Page history last edited by Cristina Morelli 9 years ago

Participants' Profiles 3 Participants' Wiki





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ICT participants and moderators come from all over the world to learn together and share in this session. Please add your name to the map so we can see where all the participants come from. You can also add a message or a picture of your home town.  

You can access the map here and add a pin with your name :)

Marijana Smolcec



I am Marijana Smolcec from a small town of Ogulin in Croatia. I am also an English and Croatian language teacher, with 13 years of experience, proud Webhead and a co-moderator of  TESOL EVO courses "Becoming a Webhead 2012" and "Becoming a Webhead 2013". Co-organizer of Reform Symposium eConference #RSCON, school project coordinator, interested in developing online projects, avid user of web 2.0 tools, team worker, passionate about teaching teenagers and Edtech, proud mom and a wife.

I am happy to be joing my great co-mods this year! Let's learn together!

I blog at: http://englishlearning-marijanasblog.blogspot.com/


Skype: mare302

Twitter: mscro1




Slavica Stojchevska 


My name is Slavica . I am EFL teacher to young learners aged  6 to 10 in primary school. My students love using computers . I want to make their learning more enjoyable and motivating. I would like to prepare my students for brighter future with strengtening and upgrading their digital skills . 

Last year I participated in EVO 2015, so this is my second time. I love grasping new things from webinars, and online courses. I am so glad that there are so many colleagues from different parts of the world. I hope to share and listen from each of you lots of new fresh ideas . 

skype: bambina.kumanovo

Liudmyla Senchylo


Hello! My name is Liudmyla and I teach English and German in Kyiv, Ukraine. Most of my students are adults and teenagers, but I also used to teach small kids before and enjoyed a lot. I teach at a private language school and also as a private tutor. I really hope to learn a lot of new things here and to know what teachers all over the globe do at their lessons. I am sure that sharing expericence is essencial part of learning, so I am really excited. To my mind, only if used wisely, technical tools can make our lesson super useful and interactive. I love using Google products (all of them I should say), adore quizlet, have recently discovered Edpuzzle. 


I enjoy teaching, listening to music, travelling and colouring by numbers. Wishing all of you lots of fun at the session!


Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/liudmyla.senchylo


Skype ID: liudmyla914


Nuhi Bllaca



Hello, my name is Nuhi Bllaca I am from Kosovo. I am a teacher of English at a primary school in my town Podujeva. I like teaching English with technology and this is the biggest reason for me to join this course!


Priska Pramastiwi



Hi there! I’m Priska from Indonesia, currently taking an MA in English Language Teaching at the University of Warwick. Before coming to the UK, I taught for roughly a year as an English Counselor in a Self-Access Centre at a university in my hometown, as well as an IELTS trainer at a private language institution. Although I haven’t used a lot of ICT in my classroom practices, I’ve been introduced to quite a lot of useful learning application, like Triptico, Padlet, Draw.io, Kahoot, FluentU at Warwick Uni, which really inspired me to delve deeper into the subject. Joining this MOOC was also a recommendation from my tutor.


I believe ICT will increase student participation and make learning more enjoyable – even more now that students are becoming so tech-savvy and comfortable with using online and IT resources. So, I’m here, not only to “keep up with the time”, but also to learn how to help students gain autonomy in language learning. 


Tshering Dema


Greeting from Bhutan!

I am Tshering Dema and I am an English Teacher currently teaching In one of the remote part of Bhutan. It is really a great pleasure to be in this course with talented and enthusiastic teachers from different countries. I am looking forward to having a rich experience and getting an opportunity to interact with you all in the days to come.


Face book id - https://www.facebook.com/teedema.w

Skype id - tsheringdema834

Twitter - @tsheringdema833

email - tsheringdema834@gmail.com 


Gail Murray



Hi. I'm Gail from Sydney, Australia. 

I have been interested in languages for as long as I remember, and,  having studied post graduate language overseas, returned to work in the travel industry, but fortunately followed a passion in teaching ESL, which I have now been doing for several years. I completed a Masters in Applied Linguistics and was fortunate to teach in private colleges, government organisations and charities, and  was a co-owner of an ESL college , and so have been able to teach a variety of ages, abilities and nationalities over my teaching career. I've been teaching most recently in a primary school environment and, with a recent Masters in Teaching, am now fascinated with where IT in education is going. Have so much to learn, and am looking forward to learning and sharing with you all......even to how to make this enormous picture a little smaller ( I did listen to instructions, but it didn't seem to work for me!!) 


Maryanne Burgos


Hi.  I'm Maryanne Burgos from Maryland in USA.   I love tech tools and two of my favorites are TEDed and Twitterchats.  TEDed is a great teaching tool and Twitterchats are good for learning and sharing with other teachers. I teach an online course about using technology for L2.  


Each year I take one or two EVO courses and I always learn something new!

Twitter ID @anciana

Skype maryanneburgos@yahoo.com



Ellen Graber


I first participated in EVO on a coworker’s dare several years ago, and now I am hooked. In EVO I have grown in ways I couldn’t even imagine in my life pre-EVO. I teach EFL and Writing in a public university in Mexico and elaborate materials for a Self Access Center as well as coordinate my own SAC in a Test Coaching Center, in class and online. My passion is learning and facilitating learning.

When I am not learning/teaching I love to look at the clouds and the stars, go hiking in the hills and enjoy camping on the beaches of my adopted sunny Mexico in the company of my incredible family. 

My Skype handle is ellen.is.here

My Twitter handle is @Ellen_Graber



Nino Alania


Greetings from Georgia! I am delighted to participate in the 

course with all the wonderful people. I am a teacher of ESL. I have

been teaching for almost 15 years now. I have become a 

teacher trainer lately. I have taught in numerous teaching


There are a lot of approaches and methods I am really fascinated by, but I am still looking for the perfect one for me.

I believe that we are witnessing NET Gen today and as facilitators of the learning process we ought to accommodate our learners' needs.




Greetings from Bhutan!!!Kuzangpola, a Bhutanese way of greeting.

  I am Dorji Wangchuk from Bhutan. I am working as a teacher in one of the secondary school in Bhutan. I am positive in learning. This ICT course would help me to imbibe many new knowledge. I hope to interact and learn from all the colleagues.


On Twitter -  @wangchukdrj23

Skype ID - wangchukdrj23

Emaid id - wangchukdrj23@gmail.com

Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/dorji.wangchuk.566



Magdolna Wölferné Bugovics


My name is Magdolna Wölferné Bugovics. I have been teaching English since 1995 at a primary school in Hungary. I'm interested in using ICT tools to facilitate teaching and learning English. I really love creating interactive games and quizzes for my students. This is the first time for me to join an EVO session. I hope to get a deeper insight into modern technology and learn how to exploit ICT more in my classes. I look forward to sharing ideas and experiences with you.


Skype ID: magdiwb


Carla Donnini


This is me in Dubrovnik, where I attended a course for teachers and I started my first eTwinning project. It happened a couple of years ago. It is an important event in my life and I consider it my baptism into digital learning. I learnt how to share materials and experience with colleagues in many other countries.




Cristina Morelli

Hi! I'm Cristina , an EFL teacher in a middle school settled in Pisa. I hope to learn from this on line course because time is limited and I am not a so called "digital teacher" but I do think I have to do something to upskill my competences in ICT and motivate my students more. 

Skype: cris12

my wiki: http://photopeach.com/album/jhvp1f


Julie Perry


I am Julie from Maryland in USA. I live between Baltimore and Washington D.C. I have a B.S. in Modern Languages and Linguistics and worked in the linguistics field for many years before I stopped to raise my four children. Now that my children are getting older, I've started a part-time job teaching ESL to adult learners at a local private school.  I fell in love with teaching and returned to school to complete my TESOL certification.  This is my first time participating in EVO or any type of online seminar. I have very little experience with the use of technology in my teaching, so I am looking forward to learning a lot in the forthcoming weeks.  Thanks so much for letting me a part of this program. 


Twitter ID:  @lentilsaregreat

Skype ID: julieperry1372


Barbara Lapornik


I am Barbara Lapornik and I  live in the  sea- side city of Trieste, Italy. I have been teaching English for the last 25 years  in a  scientific high school. I also organize  international projects and school exchanges and  attend international conferences, sometimes also as a speaker. I like travelling whenever I can. I am very keen on advancing in the field of ICT and  am extremely glad to be part of this interesting group.



Yulia Veselova


I am from Ukraine. I have been teaching English for about 25 years at a secondary school. I am interested in ICT. I take part in EVO session for the first time and hope to get new knowledge in this area.

Email: Yulia_Veselova69@mail.ru

Twitter: @Yulia_Veselova6



Svetlana Shikova

Hello, dear colleagues! My name is Svetlana, I come from a small European country Belarus. I teach English and German to the engineering students at University. I love my profession and that's why I want to improve my skills of using ICT to make my classes more efficacious and to some degree even reasonably entertaining. I am very happy to be a part of such a talented team and hope to learn much from you!  


Valentina Tuttobello

Hello everyone, my name's Valentina and I'm from Italy. I teach English as a second language in a high school and I'm very interested in education based on digital strategies, that's why I've decided to attend this course. I also like meeting collegues from all over the world because it's a great opportunity to learn from other people's experiences. Italy is a beautiful country and I hope you'll have the chance to visit it :)


Skype: valentina.tuttobello


Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/valentina.tuttobello



Efrossini Zoniou


Hi, I am Efrossini Zoniou from Greece.  

I was born and educated in Belgium, but I have been living and working in Athens for over 25 years, teaching English, German and French as foreign languages to young learners, teenagers and adults, learners from 7 to 77, so to say. This year I am teaching pre-primary, primary and early secondary school children in a private language institute  in Athens.

Living on the tiny, remote island of Kastellorizo for several years made me realise the importance of ICT, that is why I would like to learn more about how to integrate it in my classes. I attended the 2015ICT4ELT session, which got me hooked on e-learning, so here I am back this year, eager to brush up and build up on the wonderful insight I gained.

You can contact me at efzoniou@gmail.com

Skype : efrossini.zoniou

Twitter : @EFL59


Karen Dumais

Hi, I'm Karen from the United States.  I teach ESL to students in grades K-12  in a public school in Ohio.  I'm in my 5th year of teaching ESL, but previous to that I taught second grade for 10 years, and Special Education for 5 years.  I am the only ESL teacher in my district, so I look forward to learning from others.  I do not have much experience using technology, other than really easy applications like email and Facebook.  So I'm excited to learn more!



Maja Bojanović


My name is Maja Bojanović. I come from Croatia, live in a small place in the south of Croatia, Gradac. I am an English and German seondary school teacher, interested in e-learning and ICT. Although I have experience in e-learning, I am still not self-confident enough to start with e-teaching and I hope to gain knowledge and skills to implement ICT into my teaching.



Anna Kalyakina 

My name is Anna. I'm fron Russia and live in the north-west not far from St. Peterburg. It's the Republic of Karelia. I'm an English teacher at the technical college. I'm interested in travelling, cooking and dancing. In my work I try to use IT-technologies but I'm always ready to use more to make teaching and learning more intetesting. 



Irina Volynets



Hello everybody! My name's Irina Volynets. I am from Belarus, a small country in Europe which borders on Russia, Lithuania, Poland and Ukraine. I live in Slonim, a small town which is situated in the west of the country and is famous for its historical sights, churches and cathedrals and, of course, for its picturesque countryside. I am a teacher of English and work at Gymnasium 1. This is the same school where I studied.

I have been teaching English for 24 years. I teach children of different ages - from 6 to 17. This year I am teaching the students of the 7th, 9th and 11th grades.  Besides, I have been  the coordinator of the Internet projects in my school for more than 12 years. Different IEARN projects and ENO programme have become an integral part of my work. Participating in them, students get involved in the global community, gain all the skills necessary for living in the digital era, master English and learn how to become global citizens. I am keen on ICT but technology is developing very fast. So I am here to get new knowledge and skills in ICT and enrich my experience with the experience of my colleagues. Hope for creative collaborative work.


Here is my contact information. Email: irinakhomchik@gmail.com

Skype: irina.volynets7.  Website: irinakhomchik.weebly.com


Cleona Patterson


Hello, I'm Cleona Patterson. Having taught ESL for 16 years in Spain, Japan and Australia, I'm now setting up e-fluentenglish.com and e-speakenglish.com Developing 3 Mini-Courses with tutor support, so I need to learn a lot quickly! Pleased to meet you all!





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