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Tips from Participants

Page history last edited by Irina Volynets 8 years, 6 months ago

Tips from Participants


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Your name Your tips - you can place here links to your favourite tools for creating interactive exercises, quizzes, polls etc. - other than mentioned in our wiki.


Here's the example of TodaysMeet which was mentionned in Week2. That "room" was made to last for one month (the maximum possible) but it is possible to download the chat from there.


Check this out:



I have found that many sites are in Beta and do not have apps yet for Macs. For example, although I was able to download Hot Potatoes, I have not been able to access the help area or the tutorials...If anyone has a suggestion, please share!

Also, although I have created my Edmodo page https://www.edmodo.com/home#/group?id=10418593, I cannot access the ICT4ELT2016 page.


Elizabeth  I've found a super video tut about embedding Google documents  
I just realized the difference between polls and surveys...a poll is only one question and a survey contains more. I posted a poll and a link to a survey on my Edmodo classroom site https://www.edmodo.com/home#/group?id=10418593 and I think I prefer the survey. Since I usually do not have access to Internet in my school, if my student are going to go o nline at home, I would rather that they do more while they are there.
 Irina Volynets

I'd like to advise you to try using englishexercises.org.  Here you can find hundreds of exercises to learn English online: vocabulary, reading, songs, grammar, listening made by EFL teachers from all over the world. You cam make your own online exercise or test with the help of an easy online generator.





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