
Participants Production Page

Page history last edited by efzoniou@gmail.com 8 years, 11 months ago

 Participants' Production Page


Insert a new row at the end if needed

 If you feel you can't wait while someone is editing the page, you can always go to page 2


To insert your production here, copy the <embed code(If you have a choice, select the "iframe" rather than a flash enabled embed code) then come back here and click on "insert" (above) 

select <>HTML/Java Script in the drop down menu under insert, and copy your embed code into the frame there. It asks you to confirm by clicking on "insert plugin"  .... then you will only actually see what you have embedded after you click "save" at the bottom of this page.







Comments of other participants about your production.







Hello everybody! HERE you can post your Productions in WEEK 2, week 3 etc.


Give the name of the Tool and paste a link of your product!

My products in week 2:

Voki  to wish you hello and welcome





Cute! But I prefer your real voice. 😉


I also enjoyed it) (Lada)

Efrossini Zoniou

This year I had a go at Audioboom. Here is one use I could make of it :


My animoto video :



Liudmyla Senchylo





 Liudmyla, well done) I appreciate it)


 Marija Huzjak-Saban

I've just learned how to use AUDIOPAL!


Well I somehow fixed my sound and I think this second audiopal is much better.


Then I tried eyejot!



I'd like to share with you my photopeach!


At the Conference for English Language Teachers in Opatija, Croatia on PhotoPeach






Something is wrong. I can hardly hear what I say. Can anybody tell me how to correct it please.

I've managed somehow to fix the problem. Thanks!


Your audiopal message is clearly audible, but it sometimes  comes on automatically, together with Slavica's ,when I open the production page and it can be annoying. Perhpas the mods could help us out on fixing this. Efrossini Zoniou


Thanks Efrossini. You're absolutely right. I've noticed that problem myself and don't know how to fix it.


Hi, Marija! I can't get your Eyejot to run on the padletwell, I can only view your comment and an icon of your recoeding. Has anybody else had the same problem or am I missing something? Efrossini Zopniou

Thanks again Efrossini. It really didn't work, although everything was fine yesterday, so I had another try and I think it's alright now.


Slavica Stojchevska



Participants' Production: Blogs and Wikis

Here is the blog I created http://merryland.edublogs.org/

Interesting activity, Slavica. Peer feedback should be easier to accept than the teacher's and will give all learners the opportunity to have a go at communicating using technology . Efrossini Zoniou

Hi, again, Slavica. Your audiopal message automatically comes on when I open the production page and it can be annoying. Perhpas the mods could help us out on fixing this. Efrossini Zoniou


Sorry , to hear that. I insert my link just in the padlet, and somebody else put it here. Hope that moderators could fix the problem.






I used audioBoom


My blog created for ICT4ELT  with Bloggerhttp://english-with-tech.blogspot.com/ 

Larisa, great trying) Superb:-) 


 Dorji Wangchuk

I am trying with Vocaroo



Record audio or upload mp3 >>



Dorji, it was interesting  to learn some facts about your country. I've read William and Kate are going to visit Bhutan this spring. Thank you! (Larisa I.)
Tshering Dema 

My product in week 2.

I used Voki 



Lea-Gung Ou

I'm making a blog about ICT in ELT due to an optional module I take this term. I found Voki useful, so I made one, adding it to my blog. 

Thank you for sharing! : )


Ester Gasparro Here's my attempt with Voki " target="">=

Lovely avatar, clear message, Ester. Which of the tools you tested did you find most user friendly and useful?

Efrossini Zoniou.

Thank you, Efrossini, I find Vocaroo, really user friendly. Voxpop seemed to be equally easy to use, but in the end it didn't work! The best of all for my students level  is perhaps Voki, even though I'm going to explore better Audioboom that seems to offer good opportunities. At the moment I'm working with an old laptop that I had to reset and its microphone isn't very good. I bought a new one, but many programs don't work because of plug in...


Lada PetryK 

I also used Voki. It was so entertaining. I did experiments with other tools as well))) 



My First Audio Production with Voki


I' would like to share my production which I have created with PhotoPeach. It was rather absorbing. http://photopeach.com/album/g9q4d9



The First Presentation with Photo Peach

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Dear moderators and peer teachers, one more challenge has been overcome. I have created a blog in Blogger. It is just a start for further work. 



Lada, I liked your ideas very much! A good job!

(Larisa I.)



I used Voicethread (I took it from the suggested tools). It was easy to use it. I really liked it!!


I could upload a picture from my Computer, record my voice to describe the picture and draw on it. I chose a picture of Edmodo to show what I do with my students with it (Edmodo)

Here it goes:



Then, I created another voicethread to show something I did in Prezi (a very easy tool for showing or presenting your productions)



01/21/2016: Thank you Efrossini Zoniou. I've just updated both links. I hope you can see it now



HI, Magdalena. I tried to view your 2 messages. First I had to log in to my voicethread account -luckily I had one, but what if the recipient of your message does not or does not want to sign up? Then I got a message that your message had either been deleted (unlikely) or not shared with me and was prompted to ask the author permission to have access to it. Is this the way it should work? I would like to see your prezi. Efrossini Zoniou
Maryanne Burgos  Here is the podbean recording that I created on my iPhone.  You cannot record directly on the site, but you can record on your smartphone and publish there.  The recording then appears on the site. http://bit.ly/1KsTnv4   
Dubravka Crnić 

Here is the presentation of my class made with animoto:



My blogs: http://cdubravka.blogspot.com

Class blog: http://blacksheephr.blogspot.com

I've been using Wikispaces for creting wikis for communication with my students and project's partners but they are private.


Vicky S Kostara

I used Voki and I absolutely loved it!


I've also tried some others of the suggested tools. It's always great to try something new.

Cristina Morelli, Pisa 

Here is my attempt with Voki...



Nuhi Bllaca, Kosovo

I have recorded my voice message using the podcasting tool, vocaroo.  This is my first time doing this and I am very happy I made it and I enjoyed it a lot. Thanks to all the moderators of the course we, participants are able to use many useful tools for teaching and learning English. 

Here is the link of my voice message: http://vocaroo.com/i/s0oEKDYL1f3K



Ali Bouhmala

I've tried Audiopal. It is a good tool to help students practise listening and speaking. Here is my first attempt to produce an audio.



Here is the link to a photopeach presentation:



I used LearningApps to create this exercise to practise prefixes and suffixes



I also used educaplay to create an activity to practise using phrasal verbs



This is a survey I made about the use of technology in the classroom.



Anna Kalyakina

Hi, I used Audiopal. It's great to use it in class to put some joy into studying and teaching. Students are different and for some of tem it's a good help. It's not so good record, but I know the trouble is in my comp. 





Mirtes Oliveira 

I've just made a short Vocaroo and will try to use it with my students this year.

Gail Murray 

Here is my Vocaroo attempt:   quite a long embed code......?   lol. Also have this one which I tried to insert on the Week 2 padlet. 

http://vocaroo.com/i/s0fwn2QIxFxB      would appreciate advice on why I'm struggling with these....how do they normally get uploaded for students? 


Record and upload audio >>

Zahra AL-Marhoobi   

Hello everyone,

I created a short video about using Plickers in classroom. It is very effective and useful. Using Plickers allows teachers to assess all students at the same time and get a quick feedback. Interestingly, you can use Plickers with 1 smartphone for the teacher and a computer to show questions and responses and cards for students to respond. Students enjoy learning with technology. 







Luciana Caldeira 

I had already tried some fo the tools, so I have a wiki I used in 2012 with one of my classes, here is the link to the Master 1 class: http://master1pl.pbworks.com/w/page/35756865/Master%201

I have also tried VOKIand here is one I used with my students: 


Prezi is also a tool I often use:



Now, I'm working on Capzles, but haven't been able to upload photos nor the music. I tried Animoto, but the teacher plus account demands an institutional email, which we don't have in our school. I already had an account on flickr but didn't use it often, I discovered  it offers 1 TB of free space now, which is amazing. Well, that's it for a while. 





Borsani Simona

I made a photopeach presentation on George Orwell and I embedded it in a wiki.

George Orwell on PhotoPeach http://englishfortwo.wikispaces.com/britishauthors





This is my Photopeach presentation for week 3.

This or That on PhotoPeach  

 I liked your photopeach  presentation, Mirtes : a great way to enliven otherwise boring grammar exercises. Great choice of photos, too! Efrossini Zoniou
Dolly Dhawan 

This is the link to my blog at wordpress. Pl do let me know if you find it worth.



Tanya Borisova  Hello every one, here i am sharing the blog which i made some time ago. It is not new, but it appeared a great way to motivate students.   https://vitrualeclassroom.blogspot.bg  :)  
Dolly Dhawan 

I made a PhotoPeach Presentation about my family. It was fun working on it and I'm excited to share it with you all. Hope you like it. It's a wonderful software.



My Extended Family Bonding on PhotoPeach




Dolly Dhawan 

Please try this survey for Feedback form of a workshop 




I also tried Learning App... Indeed a wonderful resource for education!!!!







Comments (2)

Svetlana Shikova said

at 5:54 am on Jan 19, 2016

What a cute and nice "Hello and Welcome"! Thank you for sharing with us your example of this kind of production, Marijana Smolcec! I wish I can do things like this myself..

Cleona Patterson said

at 9:36 pm on Jan 22, 2016


This is my VOKI attempt.
How can I add it so that the image is on the screen?

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